A Tranquil Spirit



What comes to mind when you think of tranquility?  The dictionary definition describes it as a freedom from commotion, tumult or disturbing emotions. For me disturbing emotions sometimes feel like a cloud that continually hovers, pesters and infects my day, sometimes without mercy.

Can you relate?

Isn't it a wonderful blessing that we have God's word to help us battle the commotion and emotions in our lives?  The beautiful light of scripture is both purifying as well as exposing...as I have been finding during the women's Bible study at church.  The study is called Detox...and as you can imagine it conjures up all kinds of visuals.  Detoxing used to be for the drug addicted...now I can go to my local grocery store and find a myriad of products designed to cleanse my body from the strains of my bad habits.  But detoxing is also much needed for my soul as well.  Have you ever considered that bad habits of thought and feeling can build up in your heart in such a way that you can no longer live the life God intended?   So far in the study we have wrestled with things like our feelings of fear, our feelings of envy and feelings of inadequacy. The process sometimes feels like spiritual heart surgery...but one thing I know for sure is that Jehovah Rapha, my Lord that heals, is tenderly and expertly exposing my wounds for what they are, and most graciously giving me the strength to remove them from my life.

And being the visual learner that I am, I was inspired to create this piece of art, so that God's word would be etched onto my heart...the most effective bandage for a wounded heart and the perfect antidote for any further toxic build up.  The tranquil spirit comes from hungering and thirsting for God's word...it becomes a canopy of protection that revives our body (and mind).  But...There is always a but. Envy rots our bones.  Just think of what that would look like. Infection and decay destabilizing the very structure that is intended to hold us up and enables us to function.  When the lack of contentment  births all sorts of envy we end up in one festering, unattractive puddle.  Ick!

My prayer for you is that you would seek Him first!  Cultivate a spirit that is tranquil and serene, because your focus is on God, who IS only and always good!
